The fast and mourning of Tisha B'av is upon us. How often does it really cross our minds as to the fact that we are in a horrible place=golus. When will moshiac come? is a phrase we use when things are going wrong...why not always?! Just because one has a prosperous life and undefeated dreams, do we just let live of the fact that we are still here? Isn't it for the same reason that we were brought into this place because of it? We must act in prayer on tisha b'av and daven that Hashem release us from this peril to enjoy the pure bliss that Moshiac is said to offer us!! Please Hashem hear our tefillos and let us see the light of your glory in your Bais Hamikdash!!!

IT HAS been such a long time...please everyone take the time to daven for the families that just lost those israeli men in Bulgaria...hoping that HASHEM will take us out of this golus soon!! My neighbor recently passed away, her name was Carol Becofsky she was a non-frum Jew but still a kind soul. I hope her family is taking her leaving as a sign to DAVEN for all of us to go back home to YERUSHALAYIM!! (check out blogs----> new one added: "out of the ortho box" by Ruchi Sobel Indich Kovel! -great blog...) will be adding it soon to the 'blogs i follow' on the right panel...