So this is the book I won. I had no idea it could be so pricy on amazon but it is. I can't tell you much about it because I am not too friendly with time right now and don't have any of it to offer to myself, but I can garantee you that there are many strong points in which Meir Kahane proves his and Klal Yisroel's love for Israel. It is our land and we can't say it enough. If you want to buy it, go here.
I actually didn't win the grand price I didn't win 1st place=$300, I didn't win 2nd place=$200, and I didn't win 3rd place=$100... :( BUT I DID WIN A BOOK. Being that I was one out the ten winners out of thousands who had entered the contest for writing a lengthy essay about Rabbi Meir Kahane, I had won a book that had been authored by the late Rabbi Meir. He was a zionist driven to express his love for Israel and a terrorist took his life while he spoke to a group of Jews in New York. A confession: I did not know who he was when I started out the essay, but I did learn a lot writing about him and researching on this great man.