OK, so it snowed. I am super excited because it's the first time in Brooklyn that it has snowed and stuck. To be honest, I am not a fan of winter at all. There are those freeeeeeeeezing days where you can wear all the plush you want-you still don't warm up. But with snow comes pretty good weather-it seems more softer and warmer. You know, those white blankets covering your lawn, not a leaf or blade of grass in sight. Nature covering nature. There are so many advantages to it-like quiet mornings, no honking bozos in sight, (afraid of driving on ice)  it's quiet and feels like the suberbs. I walked out of my house today feeling joy-infested, I was seeping in all the beauty that Hashem has offered me this wonderful morning. The birds were singing modeh ani, the soft air hugged me and the gentle snow layed before me, plain, white and beautiful.

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